あ~とすぺ~すMASUO -              レンタルスペース&ギャラリー | 日記 | Rental Gallery & Space -


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あ~とすぺ~すMASUO -              レンタルスペース&ギャラリー の日記

Rental Gallery & Space -


Special Occasion Parties....
Let us be a part of your next event. Come let us make your special day be a life time memory and capture your moment in time. Anniversaries, Meetings, Reunions, Birthday parties for children or adults or any other events.Tell us what you have in mind. Most likely we will be able to accommodate your every need. We tailor your event to truly make it special and memorial for you and friends! You would like to have a catering service Japanese traditional food Kiritanponabe or other party food from Masuotei , if you want. You can also bring food.  Convenience stores are near here. We will be happy to rent you our space per hour that meet your needs. With our beautiful relaxing atomospheare,  your guests are sure to have a fun relaxed time!

Contact mail :  masuotei 《at mark》 yahoo.co.jp

Rental Gallery & Space -


【PR】  【上板橋の整体】鍼灸カイロプラクティックふぁんふぁん  絆傘処(ばんかところ)  原司法書士事務所  イケダヤ新発田店  ミクマオート